Sitia Town
Time has left its marks on the landscape of Sitia – marks which
the visitor sees everywhere around him.

When wandering around the region of Sitia, don’t be surprised by the huge number of archaeological sites you will stumble upon. This region is the cradle of European civilization, a civilization which it fed and nurtured 6000 years ago. Indeed, the signs of a Minoan presence at over 80 sites in the region of Sitia are living proof of the huge development in this area at the time of the dawning of the first great European civilizations.
Take time to explore the natural beauty of the region of Sitia in all its glory. Rarely has such a landscape of contrasts existed in such harmony – majestic mountains, fertile plains, lush secluded valleys and rugged windswept ridges, streams and gorges, cliffs and caves, rocky coast line and white sandy beaches, fertile and barren, African, Mediterranean and European terrain, scorching south winds and cooling north winds – a country of opposites. Local traditions run deep in the veins of the people. Festivals mark the passage of each year, concerts are organized, people gather to while away the evenings dancing and singing songs that have been handed down through the generations harking back to the Minoans. Sitians like nothing better than to enjoy themselves and to warmly welcome others into their gatherings.
Vai Palm Tree Forest
Sitia province offers a number of remarkable
beaches really worth visiting.

H Sitia province offers a number of remarkable beaches really worth visiting. Some of these are organized Sitia beach awarded with two blue flags, suitable for all kinds of water activities and sports, the famous Vai with the native palms, a unique sight in Europe.
You can see the beach Itanou the ruins of the ancient city, the beach Kouremenos which is ideal for water sports like windsurf, beach Zakros down next to the ancient palace which was completely destroyed by the eruption of Santorini Beach Xerokambos with turquoise waters and white sand, the beach of Makrigialos with shallow waters are ideal for families, the Papadiokampos etc.
Αrchaeological Sites
The Minoan farmhouses and Agrepavlis discovered
scattered in the province of Sitia.

The Minoan farmhouses and Agrepavlis discovered scattered in the province of Sitia. They are built out of organized settlements with simple or complex architectural designs, and is usually multiplex buildings with proper layout and equipment requiring their rural character.
Some of the villas they owned as shown by the size and luxury of their manufacture rich and powerful local lords because mimic the shape of the palace complexes.
Such Agrepavlis discovered in Piskokefalo in Pears in Zou, Gialo in Zakros, in Azokeramo, Agios Georgios and elsewhere.
Historical Monuments
Imposing monuments dominate the province
of Sitia knotting visitors in the past.

Imposing monuments dominate the province of Sitia knotting visitors in the past. The most important monuments are the fortress of Kazarma located within the town of Sitia.
The entire fortress is situated on an elevated level dominates. The walls around are triangular turrets off the side of the façade. On the second floor there are still loopholes and holes for the beams of the roof around which rise the ramparts.
In the courtyard surrounded by walls in some places reaches 5m. Some even from the main monuments of the province is the Trypitos, the depositor Sitia Tower Cornaro, the Roman fish tanks etc.
Large and small canyons across the province, sign torrents with rapids sudden rain
and other elements of nature that fall onto the malleable rocks of Sitia land.

Large and small canyons across the province, sign torrents with rapids sudden rain and other elements of nature that fall onto the malleable rocks of Sitia land.
The major canyons are Zakros, the Richtis of Pervolarion and pine. The introduction to the canyons of the region, is both a journey to get to know the nature, culture and history of Sitia. The natural framework for this acquaintance keep switching.
The scenery changes from lush, rugged, wild and naked. In spring the green slopes in flooded fragrances and making you feel all your senses to diffuse joy of Cretan nature.